General physics
    Об уроке


    Learning Objectives:

    Learning Objectives

    • Understand the concept of electric fields and their properties.
    • Learn how electric forces and fields interact with charged particles.
    • Apply mathematical formulas to calculate electric field strength and force.
    Language Goals:

    Language Goals

    • Familiarize with scientific terms related to electric fields.
    • Practice explaining electric field concepts in English.
    • Improve comprehension of scientific texts about electric fields and forces.


    Term (English)Translation (Kazakh)
    Electric FieldЭлектр өрісі
    Electric ForceЭлектр күші
    Field StrengthӨріс күші
    Potential DifferenceПотенциал айырмасы


    Electric Field: A region of space around a charged object where other charges experience a force.

    Зарядталған объекттің айналасындағы кеңістік, онда басқа зарядтар күшке ұшырайды.

    Electric Force: The force exerted by a charged object on another charged object.

    Зарядталған объекттің басқа зарядталған объектке әсер ететін күші.

    Field Strength: The force experienced by a unit positive charge in an electric field.

    Электр өрісіндегі бірлік оң зарядқа әсер ететін күш.

    Potential Difference: The work done to move a charge between two points in an electric field.

    Электр өрісіндегі екі нүкте арасындағы зарядты жылжыту үшін жасалған жұмыс.


    Electric fields are created by charged particles. The strength of an *electric field* depends on the charge and distance from the source. The electric field (-field-) strength is calculated using the formula:

    E = F/q


    • *E* is the electric field strength,
    • *F* is the force exerted on the test charge,
    • *q* is the magnitude of the test charge.

    The direction of the field is determined by the direction of the force experienced by a positive charge.

    Key terms include -charge-, -potential difference-, and -field strength-.

    Exercises on Memorization:

    Exercises on Memorization

    1. Define «electric field» in your own words.
    2. Explain the relationship between force and electric field strength.
    3. Match the following terms with their definitions:
      • Electric Force
      • Charge
      • Potential Difference
    Video Tutorial:

    Video Tutorial



    Example: Calculate the electric field strength if a 3 C charge experiences a force of 15 N.

    Electric field calculation example

    Using E = F/q:
    E = 15 N / 3 C = 5 N/C.

    Investigation Task:

    Investigation Task

    Use the simulation below to explore the behavior of electric fields around charges:

    When like charges are placed near each other, their fields repel. Opposite charges attract, and the field lines move from positive to negative.
    Collaborative Activity:

    Collaborative Activity

    In pairs or groups, create a concept map showing the relationships between electric fields, forces, and potential difference. Present your map to the class.

    Additional Resources:

    Additional Resources

    Visit Save My Exams for more practice questions and resources on electric fields.



    Reflect on today’s lesson by answering the following:

    • What is one new concept you learned about electric fields?
    • What challenges did you face while understanding electric fields?
    • How can electric fields be applied in real-world technologies?