General physics
Об уроке
Understand the objectives:

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of particle physics, including particles, forces, and interactions.
  • Identify and describe the Standard Model of particle physics.
  • Analyze the roles of fundamental forces and exchange particles.

Language Objectives

  • Use accurate terminology to explain concepts in particle physics.
  • Interpret complex scientific ideas and discuss them with peers.
  • Collaborate to solve problems and analyze particle interactions.
Learn key terms:

Terms (English and Kazakh)

English Term Kazakh Term
Quark Кварк
Lepton Лептон
Photon Фотон
Weak Force Әлсіз күш
Strong Force Күшті өзара әсер
Learn the glossary:


  • Quark: A fundamental particle that combines to form protons and neutrons.
    Кварк — бұл протондар мен нейтрондарды құрайтын негізгі бөлшек.
  • Lepton: A fundamental particle, such as an electron or neutrino, that does not experience strong interaction.
    Лептон — күшті өзара әсерге ұшырамайтын негізгі бөлшек, мысалы, электрон немесе нейтрино.
  • Photon: The force carrier of the electromagnetic force and a quantum of light.
    Фотон — электромагниттік күштің тасымалдаушысы және жарықтың кванты.
  • Weak Force: A fundamental force responsible for processes like beta decay.
    Әлсіз күш — бета-ыдырау сияқты процестерге жауапты негізгі күш.
  • Strong Force: The force that holds quarks together inside protons and neutrons.
    Күшті өзара әсер — протондар мен нейтрондардың ішінде кварктарды байланыстыратын күш.
Understand the theory:


**Particle physics** is the branch of physics that studies the nature of particles that constitute matter and radiation. It investigates the fundamental constituents of the universe and their interactions. The **Standard Model** is a well-tested theoretical framework that describes:

  • **Quarks and Leptons**: The building blocks of matter.
  • **Fundamental Forces**: Strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces.
  • **Force Carriers**: Particles like photons, gluons, and W/Z bosons that mediate forces.

Interactions between particles are governed by **Feynman Diagrams**, which represent exchanges of virtual particles. For example, the weak force mediates beta decay through the W boson.

Standard Model of Particle Physics

The **Higgs Boson**, discovered in 2012, is a key part of the Standard Model, explaining how particles acquire mass.

Practice the terms:

Exercises on Terminology

Watch the video lesson:

Video Lesson

Learn from examples:

Examples and Solutions

Example: A proton is made of two up quarks and one down quark. What is its charge?

Charge = (2 × +2/3) + (-1/3) = +1

Detailed Solution

Each up quark has a charge of +2/3, and a down quark has a charge of -1/3. Adding these gives: (2 × +2/3) + (-1/3) = +1.

Solve exercises:

Interactive Exercises

  • Question 1: Correct Answer: XYZ
  • Question 2: Correct Answer: ABC



Research Task

Use this simulator to explore particle interactions:

Task: Simulate a particle collision and observe how particles interact and decay.

Sample Observations
  • Particles interact through exchange particles like photons or gluons.
  • Energy and momentum are conserved in all interactions.
Collaborate in groups:

Group Activity

In pairs or groups, create a Feynman diagram representing a particle interaction (e.g., beta decay). Present your diagram and explain the particles and forces involved.

Visit external resources:

Additional Resources

Explore more about particle physics on Save My Exams.

Reflect on your learning:


Reflect on today’s lesson by answering the following questions:

  • What are the fundamental particles in the Standard Model?
  • How do the fundamental forces govern particle interactions?
  • What part of particle physics do you find most intriguing?

Write your reflections in a journal or discuss them with a peer.