Petroleum cracking. Chlorination — CLIL Lesson plan and materials

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Lesson plan

Long-term plan unit:

11.2A — Introduction to organic chemistry — alkanes

School: NIS Uralsk
Date: Teacher name:

Mustafina Altyn

Grade: 11 Number present: Absent:
Theme of the lesson Petroleum cracking. Chlorination
Learning objectives that are achieved at this lesson (Subject Program reference) understand catalytic cracking and thermal cracking in terms of a free radical process know and understand the mechanism of photochemical chlorination

Lesson objectives Students should be able to:

  • identify main purpose of the cracking
  • describe conditions of the cracking
  • analyze the diagram of crude oil processes
  • write down the reaction equation of the inititation and make it from molymods too
  • write down the reaction equation of the propagation and make it from molymods too 
  • write down the reaction equation of the termination and make it from molymods too
Language objectives Learners can

recall details of the fractionation of oil and the uses of the fractions

describe in writing and orally the commercial uses of the fractions of crude oil

Are defined for non-language subjects.

empirical, molecular, structural, displayed (formula), functional group, homologous, alkyl, isomerism, isomer, sigma bond, pi bond, saturated, alkane, fractionation, fractional distillation, hybrid, hybridisation, free radical, photochemical, thermal, catalytic, petrol, gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, diesel Define language objectives, including examples of vocabulary and phrases.

  • An empirical formula represents
  • The molecular formula is
  • The (name) fraction is (description) and it is used for
  • Burning hydrocarbon fuels causes
  • To separate crude oil into useful chemicals……
Values instilled at the lesson MISSION

  • Intellectual


  • globally

competent individuals


  • education in leadership and patriotism.
  • socially


  • critically thinking

  • Respect
  • Openness
  • Patriotism & Responsibility
  • Global citizenship


ICT skills Interactive board, Telephones for interactive assessment
Previous learning simple organic compounds such as alkanes.
Course of the lesson
Planned stages of the lesson Planned activities at the lesson Resources
Beginning 0-5 (T, W) Class greetings. Introduce big question and lesson outcomes. Students browse language objectives and comment them(G) (f) Activity “Starter Task”. CLIL Culture Task: Differentiated task “Tricky/ Trickier/ The trickiest”

Aim: to make connection between previous knowledge and the lesson

Feed-back: student-student / teacher

Ppt ch?v=O-7EGVm3fw0
Middle 5-10


(W)Work with class “Science Taboo”

Aim: to identify main key terms

Student’s Action: students try to explain the work on the card without using this word and derivatives

Feed-back: self-assessment

  • Work in pairs. CLIL Content. Listening

Aim: to identify main steps of crude oil cracking Task: students watch the video about Cracking and write statements about this topic

Scaffolding: students have adapted material to read about cracking

Assessment criteria: student

  • identify main purpose of the cracking
  • describe conditions of the cracking
  • analyze the diagram of crude oil processes
Task 1Task 2








Feed-back: self-assessment

(I) Work in groups. Research “The fact-file card”. CLIL Content / Cognition

Aim: to identify main types of the cracking Student’s Action: Choose one card they want, then in groups describe their card. 

Task: students make research and create a fact-file card about the type of cracking (thermal/catalytic). Students ask each other questions according to their report 

Assessment: student

  • describe the card in 6 sentences at least

Feed-back: self -assessment

(W, T) Reflection. CLIL Communication. 

Aim: to return to lesson objectives and make conclusion

Task: students answer question about importance of the cracking



Teacher’s action: to introduce lesson’s outcomes by problem question

Task: Learners should be encouraged to think about bond formation in organic reactions in the light of new knowledge about the very low polarity of the C-H bond. The idea of homolytic bond fission and free radicals should be introduced.

Feed-back: teacher-student

(G) CLIL Content

Aim: to identify main steps of chlorination of alkanes

Student’s action:

  • write down the reaction equation of the inititation and make it from molymods too
  • write down the reaction equation of the propagation and make it from molymods too 
  • write down the reaction equation of the termination and make it from molymods too

Scaffolding: if student has questions he goes to SOS center and find examples which will scaffold them


-write down reaction equation for other difficult compounds

Assessment: Student-student / teacher

Task 3

Task 4


Ppt, molymods


57-6565-75 (G) Group. CLIL Culture. Communication

Aim: to evaluate effect of using products of chlorination on the ozone layer 

Task: students answer problem questions in groups and make leaflet

Assessment: student

Group 1 

  • research uses of halogenoalkanes

Group 2

  • evaluate effect on the ozone layer of chlorination products

Feed-back: self -assessment

(I)(f) Self-assessment “Blooket” Aim: to conduct formative assessment

Student’s Action: students answer themselves multiple choice questions

Acaster pp 235-236


task 5*|


End 75-80
  • Reflective: 3-2-1

Aim: Check students’ understanding and summarize key points from the lesson objectives

Task description: Exit Slips help students reflect on what they have learned and express what or how they are thinking about the new information.

Teacher’s Action:

  1. Provide activity paper or show using presentation
  2. Verify that students can solve a problem or answer a significant question based on the lesson

Student’s Action:

3-Three new things you learn

2-Things you still want to know 1- Clarifying Question

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check students’ learning?

Peer assessment Student-teacher Self-assessment

Health and safety regulations
Teachers gain information for informal assessment Rules and technics of safety at chemistry room
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1:


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1:


What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?


Catalytic converter: A device fitted in a car to reduce the amount of emissions from an internal combustion engine. They use expensive metals like platinum and rhodium as the heterogeneous catalyst. The catalyst is mounted on a ceramic honeycomb to maximise the surface area. 


Catalytic cracking: A type of cracking that takes place at a slight pressure, high temperature and in the presence of a zeolite catalyst and is used mainly to produce motor fuels and aromatic hydrocarbons.


Combustion of alkanes: Combustion of alkanes releases energy. During combustion, the carbon and hydrogen in the fuels are oxidised. Alkanes can undergo complete or incomplete combustion. Water and carbon dioxide are the only products of the complete combustion, whereas carbon monoxide and carbon particulates can be produced in incomplete combustion. 


Cracking: A process which involves breaking C-C bonds in alkanes to produce shorter chained alkanes and alkenes. 


Crude oil: A finite resource found in rocks. It is the remains of an ancient biomass consisting mainly of plankton that was buried in mud. Most of the compounds in crude oil are hydrocarbons. 


Fractional distillation: A method of separating a mixture of substances according to their different boiling points. Commonly used to separate crude oil into different fractions. 


Hydrocarbons: Compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms only. 


Saturated: Organic compounds are saturated if all the carbon-carbon bonds are single C-C bonds. Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons. 


Thermal cracking: A type of cracking that takes place at high pressure and high temperature and produces a high percentage of alkenes. 


Task 1


Task 2

LO: understand catalytic cracking and thermal cracking in terms of a free radical process

Assessment criteria: students

  • identify main purpose of the cracking
  • analyze the diagram
  • describe conditions of the cracking
  • compare two methods of the cracking


  1. Describe smaller and larger hydrocarbons (their boiling point, volatility, easy or hard to ignite, uses )?


  1.   What shows this diagram? Describe these curves


  1. Give definition for the cracking process


  1. What are the differences between catalytic and thermal cracking? (pressure, Temperature, catalyst)
Catalytic Thermal


Task 3


Task 4. Exit ticket


  1. Why are alkenes more reactive than alkanes?


  1. Why does cracking have to be carried out in the absence of oxygen?


  1. Complete these equations for the cracking of alkanes


C12H26🡪 C7H16+_________


C18H38🡪 C6H12+____________+C4H8


Task 5. Extension task






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