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Методика преподавания естественных наук на английском языке
    Об уроке

    Passive voice is occasionally used in science lessons to emphasize certain aspects of scientific experiments, observations, or processes. Here are a few examples of how passive voice can be utilized:

    Пассивный залог иногда используется на уроках естественных наук, чтобы подчеркнуть определенные аспекты научных экспериментов, наблюдений или процессов. Вот несколько примеров использования пассивного залога:

    Focus on the Object or Result:

    Passive voice can be used when the emphasis is placed on the object or result of an action rather than the subject performing the action.

    Пассивный залог может использоваться, когда акцент делается на объекте или результате действия, а не на субъекте, выполняющем это действие.

    Example: «The solution was heated to 80°C.» (Passive)

    instead of «We heated the solution to 80°C.» (Active)

    Anonymity or Impersonal Tone:

    Passive voice can be employed when the identity of the performer of an action is unknown, irrelevant, or intentionally omitted to maintain an objective tone.

    Пассивный залог может использоваться, когда личность исполнителя действия неизвестна, не относится к делу или намеренно опущена для поддержания объективного тона.

    Example: «The data were collected from various sources.» (Passive)

    instead of «We collected the data from various sources.» (Active)

    Generalizing or Describing a Process:

    Passive voice can be used to describe a general process or procedure without specifying the agent or subject.

    Пассивный залог может использоваться для описания общего процесса или процедуры без указания агента или субъекта.

    Example: «The compounds were mixed together and allowed to react overnight.» (Passive)

    instead of «We mixed the compounds together and allowed them to react overnight.» (Active)

    It’s worth noting that while passive voice can be useful in certain contexts, active voice is generally preferred in scientific writing as it promotes clarity, directness, and attribution of actions to specific individuals or entities. However, there may be instances where passive voice is appropriate, particularly when focusing on the experimental setup, results, or when maintaining objectivity. As with any writing style, it’s important to consider the purpose and clarity of the communication when deciding whether to use passive or active voice.

    Стоит отметить, что хотя пассивный залог может быть полезен в определенных контекстах, активный залог, как правило, предпочтительнее в научных работах, так как он способствует ясности, прямоте и отнесению действий к конкретным лицам или организациям. Тем не менее, могут быть случаи, когда пассивный залог уместен, особенно когда речь идет об экспериментальной установке, результатах или сохранении объективности. Как и в любом другом стиле письма, при принятии решения об использовании пассивного или активного залога важно учитывать цель и ясность сообщения.


    To form the passive voice in English,

    you generally use a form of the auxiliary verb «to be» followed by the past participle of the main verb. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

    Identify the subject and object of the active sentence.

    Active sentence example: «She wrote the report.»

    Move the object of the active sentence to the beginning of the passive sentence.

    Passive sentence: «The report was written by her.»

    Choose the appropriate form of the auxiliary verb «to be» (is, am, are, was, were) that agrees with the subject.

    Example: «The report was written by her.»

    Use the past participle form of the main verb.

    Example: «The report was written by her.»

    Here are a few more examples to illustrate the formation of passive voice:


    Active: «They are conducting the experiment.»

    Passive: «The experiment is being conducted by them.»

    Active: «Someone has discovered a new planet.»

    Passive: «A new planet has been discovered by someone.»

    Active: «We will finish the project tomorrow.»

    Passive: «The project will be finished by us tomorrow.»


    It’s important to note that not all sentences are suitable for conversion to the passive voice, and active voice is generally preferred in scientific writing for clarity and attribution of actions. However, passive voice can be useful in specific contexts, such as when emphasizing the object, maintaining objectivity, or when the subject is unknown or irrelevant.

    Using active voice in scientific writing helps to convey information in a more engaging and straightforward manner, making it easier for readers to understand the intended meaning of the sentence.

    Let’s practice

    Indicate whether the following statements are true or false, based on the use of passive voice in English grammar. Each statement is accompanied by a science-related example.